Today, at 1200 BST (0600 CDT) 12 July 2012, the BBC World Service made it's final broadcast from Bush House in London. The World Service, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, will join the rest of the BBC in Broadcast House, a modern broadcast center about a mile away. It's hard to explain to younger generations why this building in a country far away was so important; the World Service isn't shutting down, merely moving, and we have CNN and the Internet... however, for those of us who were born before the Internet, when shortwave radio was often the only way to get news from the rest of the world, Bush House was the center of it all.
I remember staying up late, with a portable shortwave receiver attached to a long wire, as we listened to the news and events from around the world. The BBC was famous for its fair and unbiased reporting, and often we would hear things that we never heard on our local radio; sometimes not even the network news on the Big Three would cover things that the BBC told us about. During the years of the Cold War, it was an insight into what was happening beyond the Iron Curtain, and other countries around the world. It was an exciting and sobering realization that the world was much bigger than it seemed, and I think it gave us a larger perspective on things than we might otherwise have gotten, growing up in rural America. It certainly was one of the primary factors in getting my Amateur Radio license, many years later.
The BBC World Service discontinued their shortwave service to North America years ago; you can still listen on public radio and Internet streaming, but nothing will ever be quite as magical as tuning the dial, listening for the sounds of Lillibulero or Bow Bells - the interval signals transmitted before the start of broadcasting, to aid in tuning - and the magical words "This is the BBC, Bush House, London".
Here is a link to the BBC website paying tribute to Bush House: >>
Here is a link to a video of the last news bulletin - if you watch closely, you'll see a KUT bumper sticker on a wall near the very end of the video :) >>