Friday, January 16, 2009


1920 - 2009

I debated whether I should use the above title for this post, but nothing else had any zing! Besides, even those too young to remember the Chrysler Cordoba have probably seen Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan... and if you haven't, then head over to your local cheap-dvd outlet and pick up a copy - you'll thank me for it! After the movie, you can scan the 500+ channels on your idiot box for Fantasy Island - quality entertainment at a bargain price! 

Mr. Montalbán was a pioneering Mexican-born actor in radio, theatre, television, and film. His filmography alone extends from 1943 - 2005, and his work in television ranged from 1956 - 2008 (he provided the voice for the genetically-engineered cow in the Family Guy episode, "McStroke").

Ricardo, wherever you are, may your chair be covered in soft Corinthian leather, and may all your fantasies come true!

Hey, is this thing on?

Blogging from my CrackBerry... Now *there's* a productive activity...