Episode 2, Part 1 of "Sears Sucks"
is available for download!
[edit: I have removed the "Sears Sucks" episodes because really they were just a huge rant about really terrible customer service.... I feel they have served their purpose, and nothing further is to be gained by leaving them up. I still have the master files, so maybe someday I'll get my friend Mike to throw some samples in a mix LOL ]
This is the first part of a four-part cautionary tale, in which we detail the 13-week ordeal of purchasing a washer/dryer pair from Sears. Had we known what was in store for us, I would have gone to almost any of the other fine retail establishments that carry such items; however, after some thought and talking to others about their experiences, I feel pretty sure that this kind of thing is not limited to just Sears. I also know people that have had nothing but good experiences with Sears, so your mileage may vary :)
Dawn and I met Mando and Kramy at
Billy's on Burnet (thank you!!!) for the podcast. When Mando mentioned a "back room" it seemed like the perfect venue - grab some pub grub, some beer, and sit down with friends to do a podcast... what I didn't know was that the "back room" had four arcade machines and they were being utilized by a couple of preteens with a ziplock bag of quarters! This was also the first time I've used my Zoom H2 field recorder, and I have to say that it handled the background noise pretty well. The more we do these, the more I learn :)
I'll get the rest of the parts up as soon as I can - there's an amazing amount of production work involved in this, even for a simple field podcast - I have a newfound respect for Daniel and Carissa (of the
Dudley & Bob Morning Show on KLBJ-FM 93.7)! Also, check out the
Taint & Teabag Podcast - it's directly responsible for making me realize that I can do this :)
Follow us on Twitter (@cariboutracks, @eldercaribou) and tell your friends about us - we've got some cool Austin artists and musicians lined up as guests, and we'll be bringing you a view into the Austin music scene that we know - it ain't your daddy's Armadillo ;)
- 73 -