Lots going on lately - I finally finished the arcade cabinet, so that isn't taking up almost all of my free waking hours... except when I get the jones for Galaga, that is :) Paula is glad to have her laundry table back, as well as no sawdust filling the garage. The office chair finally gave up the ghost, so we are down to just one chair in the house - an old grade-school chair that Paula has had for a while. I think it is time to buy chairs ;)
Dad is doing okay for now, they are still doing tests and such but the outlook is better than it was... he is going to OKC in two weeks, and they will be able to figure out what is going on (we hope). He is still not getting enough sleep, though... give him a call whenever you can.
I am looking forward to getting back on the air with my Amateur Radio station - I haven't had much time to do so lately, but I have the new computer set up, and I am looking to build a couple of new antennas. Justin is finally working towards his 5 WPM CW test, so hopefully we will be able to start making skeds before too long.
Jacob, Justin and I have been playing Ghost Recon online for the last 2 weekends - we are having a blast!! I can't wait till we can get Joe in as well - of course, we *really* need to be playing Operation Flashpoint, but it has been hard to find copies at retail for Justin. That game rocks! Jacob and I did "weapons trials" Saturday night with some new Bradleys we downloaded - those are some tough IFV's! I think they are tweaked a bit, but who cares - it's a game!!!