Monday, April 19, 2004

Wow! has it been that long??

I am sure by now that you all think we have vanished from the face of the planet - no, but sometimes it seems that way :)

We made our speed run to Oklahoma over the weekend... what a marathon! 19 out of 36 hours spent sitting in a pickup... ugh. The whole trip was laid on to pick up our 10 sticks of Blue and Gold sausage from my brother's freezer (before he ran out of *his* order), plus we took some other bits and pieces with us... then on the way we found out that Dad was in the hospital getting re-hydrated. Fortunately, we didn't have to go to Hobart to see him - they released him and he was home by mid-morning on Saturday. So, since he didnt have to work we got to see more of him than we had hoped. We got to Cooperton at 0200 on Saturday, and I stayed up till 0330 talking with Justin... I am just almost too old for that anymore ;)

I am hoping to finish my arcade cabinet project soon, so I can get back to doing other things ...I haven't touched my radio in a long time; any skill I might have regained at the morse key has probably vanished. Oh, well - nothing for it but to start up again :) now, if only my brother would get his code test out of the way.... ;)

Just found out that Jacob has jumped on the broadband wagon - woo hoo! Now we can play Operation Flashpoint and Ultima Online at real speeds, and no more modem crashes! I am sure he will like it, especially now that he can ditch AOL :)