Okay cats & kittens - here's the last part of the Sears Sucks saga. Get it while you can - it ties the whole thing up and Mando gets to tell his story... sorry it's so late but we were on Thanksgiving holiday in the Land of No Internet.
This has been a learning experience for us - what it takes to record, edit and publish a podcast. We've also learned what works and what doesn't when looking for locations, how long the podcast goes, and technical stuff like mic placement and file formats. The next step is to move into a more informative arena - we've got some pretty cool folks lined up in the next few weeks that will allow us to give you a slice of the Austin music / art scene from a Caribou perspective - stuff you may not get from more established outlets ;)
So, keep watching this blog for the new stuff, follow us on Twitter ( @eldercaribou, @cariboutracks) and see where the road takes us!