Thursday, July 12, 2007

If it ain't the hogs, it's the windmill...

Ever had one those days where everything you touch seems to explode spectacularly, every plan you make is doomed from the start, and getting out of bed this morning, in retrospect, was a really bad idea? I wonder who I pissed off...

Monday, July 09, 2007

beer = happy

This weekend we popped the tops on the first bottles of my Northern Brown Ale - and it's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself! Not bad, for my first batch :) It was really tasty after a six-mile ride around the neighborhood, including a trip up the Hill of Doom (well, it seemed that way to me)... last week I logged over 30 miles - not a huge total, compared to some, but for me it's huge - considering that a few months ago, I wasn't riding at all!