Monday, August 20, 2007

Riding the dirt roads...

Cooperton Valley Mud Ride

I finally got some time to go up to Oklahoma to see family; the band is taking a break, so I loaded up the Suburban and headed north. One of the goodies I loaded was my old bike, the faithful Titanium Boron Steel beast that I've posted about previously... Justin is becoming quite handy at refurbishing old bikes, and he needed a bike for town use - exactly what this bike is made for, despite its outward appearance (heh). Justin's legs are shorter than mine, which means he'll probably fit the bike better, once he gets a new seat post installed.

Above is a link to the test ride we did on Saturday morning - not bad, we did four miles (one trip around the section) and only had to walk one mile, and that only because the road was a sticky mess of wet clay! If it had been a bike trail, we'd have turned around so as not to damage it, but these roads see more abuse than a pair of bicycles can hand out so we pressed on... actually we probably should have turned around and gone back the way we came, but that's no fun!

Once we got past all the mud, it was pavement for the last mile so we had no more problems. After we got back, we got the hose out and spent some time getting the mud off the bikes before it set like concrete! Then, with the bikes all clean and loaded in the back of the truck, we went in to spend time with Dad and Mom.

*** GEEK ALERT ***

After lunch, I followed my brother to his house in Altus to spend time with his family there... his son Paul introduced me to my new time-sink: LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy. This is the Best PS2 Game Evar! I haven't spent so much time laughing at a game since my brother Jacob and I started playing "tank soccer" in Operation:Flashpoint :D The cutscenes are hilarious - they are true to the movies, with just the right touch of irreverent humor that really makes it worth the $20 I spent on the game... as soon as I got home and unloaded, I tossed the disc in and spent the next 5 hours on the console - I haven't done that since The Legend of Zelda! If you only have room for one PS2 title, this would be a good choice.

It's getting close to time to brew another batch of beer; I'm down to my last 8 :) Chris's Amber and WTF Beer should all be bottled soon, so I need to get another batch started - I love my beer LOL